Monday, 31 December 2012

New Year's Resolutions

1. Reading
In previous years I've challenged myself to read new books, and not keep re-reading old favourites. Since I've had my kindle, that hasn't been much of a challenge. I've got a few paper books that need reading, so the new resolution is:

* read 12 paper books

2. Exercise
I really, really need to do more, as I'm far too lazy! Aiming to have the same resoltion as last year, but actually do it this year!

* exercise 52 times

3. Food
A favourite but one that caused the most thought! I'd like to be able to go to the supermarket less but sadly we don't have local shops except for a farm shop which I already use for meat and some veg. Will have to think further about that, but in the meantime:

* cook 26 new recipes

4. Charity
Last year I didn't do very well at this, and it wasn't money stopping me, just a bad memory!

* donate 12 times to charity

5. House
Still not sorted! However, when I look back over the last few years, we start each year in a better state than the  previous one so something is working! I still need to do some serious decluttering though so am dedicating Saturday afternoon to decluttering the house, one room each month.

* at least 4 hours decluttering in each room

6. Crafts
I've got piles of half started and not started things, so I must get things done and stop wasting time online.

* 12 craft projects

7. Family
We do so many things that we sometimes lose track and don't do things as a family. I'm going to find a way of recording family things we did this year. 

and as an aside, posting to here from my galaxy tablet is an absolute nightmare and the first thing I've found that I really dislike about it. It won't upload photos either!