Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Resolution - March

Hmm. Not such a success! The car is certainly clearer inside than it was, and there is less in the boot but it still needs washing!

For April I am going to track the number of steps I walk and what I eat on a phone app (s health) in the hope that I can get a bit fitter and lose a bit of weight. I know I am late writing this, so can report it already seems to be working!

Friday, 27 February 2015

Resolution - February

Well, here we are at the end of another month. Reasonable success this konth considering I've not been at work, so it's been mostly jeans.

I did clear out some drawers but never got round to the rest or the wardrobe.  I have certainly dressed better and thought more about accessories.

My main discovery though was that me being well dressed wasn't just about getting clothes out the night before - it was about keeping on top of the laundry so that I can always wear what I want and am therefore not making do with a second best outfit.

From January: still eating well, have been using lots of things up and am back to baking. So far we've had anzac biscuits, apple and raisin loaf cake and pizza :)

Next month: It's going to have to be the car! It needs cleaning inside and out, and an organised system for the boot!

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Resolution - January

We are almost at the end of the month, and I am pleased to say I've had a great success with my first resolution.  We are eating a greater variety of meals and more vegetables. The Christmas chocolate and biscuits are coming towards the end so it will be back to baking soon I hope.

Next month's resolution is going to be "fashion" - I am always better dressed if I put clothes etc out the night before. I could also do with having a really good sort out of my wardrobe and drawers. I don't wear half the jewellery and scarves I own, and stick to the same handbag amd coat for weeks on end. Time for improvement!

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Packed lunches

J will only have a packed lunch - and almost the same thing every day!  School dinners around here currently cost £2.10 a day. Packed lunches this week, with a lot of things on offer, work out at £1.63 a day. So, even catering for a very fussy eater, I'm cheaper!