Monday, 30 May 2016

Me Made May Days 28-30

Wow! Almost there! So impressed I've managed to do this for a whole month! I wonder what I'll find myself wearing over the next few weeks!

Day 28 - travelling to Scotland. My latest simplicity 8523 blouse in the cheap polycotton from hobbycraft which was washed, tumble dried and ready to wear again -no ironing required!

Day 29 - my favourite simplicity 2103 blouse with the pink flowers and hand knit socks for a farm open day followed by a bbq. Weather boiling, neck burnt. Oops.

Day 30 - woke up to fog and wind! Hand knit socks for today (which were so comfy on our walk to see a castle and across the beach).

Friday, 27 May 2016

Me Made May Days 23-27

Day 23 was the beginning of the packing for our holiday so I dug out a t shirt I'd tie dyed. Not sure I like it but at least it had an airing.

Day 24 I thought I'd better give my sorbetto top an outing before I made another. It's definitely too short - need to work out what to do with it. Other than that it was very comfy so I made another - 3 inches longer!

Day 25 required me to look respectable for a class photograph so out came the new simplicity 8523 top. Bit tight around the sleeves and the bottom (didn't do the slit sides through laziness ) but very wearable. It's also washed brilliantly and doesn't need ironing!

Day 26 needed walking boots for work so the only me made was socks. Until the evening when I needed to look considerably more respectable for a work event. As everything else was being saved for the holiday, out came the flowery skirt yet again.

Day 27 was yet another flowery skirt day as I have nothing else suitable for worn that hadn't been packed for the holiday. I must make a new work skirt!

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Me Made May Days 17-22

Oops... bit behind!

Day 17 was patched jeans and hand knit socks because I felt under the weather. Discovered a lack of comfy handmade clothing today!

Day 18 - back to the blue chambray simplicity 2188 blouse and more hand knit socks.

Day 19 was hard. School logo PE kit. Fortunately I'd finished my trainer socks earlier in the week!

Day 20 and simplicity 2188 made an appearance yet again, this time in the floral form. This must be one of favourites as it's the one I've worn the most in May!

Day 21 was the first outing for the simplicity 1203 jersey knit tank top. Super comfy - must make more!

Day 22 and it was back to the simplicity 1080 dottie angel tunic. This is an awful fit, only worn because I was slobbing about at home and we are going away next week so I'm trying to savey favourites for then.

Done quite a lot of sewing this week - the tank top, another simplicity 8523 blouse  (in bargain £3 a metre polycotton from hobbycraft ) and shorts from simplicity 1203 which were made entirely of leftovers from previous projects.

I'm aware I've not worn my green edged skirt yet, and that my navy skirt is waiting to have a smaller waistband so it doesn't fall down. I've also got 2 tops and a pair of shorts as yet unworn so plenty to try out this week.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Me Made May Day 16

I woke up to glorious sunshine so popped on my white broderie anglaise blouse  (simplicity 8523) with crop jeans and sandals. I took a selfie outside and it was so bright I couldn't see the photo.

The clue should have been in the black clouds that appeared behind me in the photo....

By the time I'd done the school run I was back into jeans and hand knit socks - I was frozen!!

I managed to finish the sorbetto top - love the pattern and the way it has come out. I could possibly go down a size or make the bust darts a bit deeper to get a better fit, and I'd certainly make it longer next time.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Me Made May Day 15

I dug out the very first refashion I did for today's me made May. I added a skirt to a t shirt to make a dress to go over leggings. And a ribbon belt.

No, I never wore it.

No, I had no idea what I was doing.

I wore it for a couple of hours,  took it off and got out the stitch ripper!

It's now a much nicer tank top from a free pdf pattern - Sorbetto by Colette. I need to buy bias binding tomorrow for the neck and arms then I can finish it off.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Me Made May Days 12-14

Work gets in the way!

Day 12 was a repeat of the previous Thursday with a simplicity 2188 skirt in a Hobbycraft black flowery cotton, this time with a white t shirt (now relegated to the recycling pile after the two stains on the front were joined by a hole!).

I was so hot when I got home I changed into bought linen trousers with my flowery simplicity 2188 blouse. I wore these for work on Friday (day 13) as it was warm, even though they aren't work clothes. Hand knit socks joined the outfit with my walking boots for the evening.

Day 14 - Saturday - was my first completely me made day. Simplicity 2188 (again!!) blouse and crop trousers, my granny square cardigan and more hand knit socks in walking boots. This was the first time I'd worn the trousers and I soon had to tighten the elastic! (Tip - don't sew up the slot on the waistband until you've worn the item a couple of times and get the elastic exactly right! ).

I've enjoyed this first fortnight. I've worn almost everything (but not quite!) so it will be interesting to see how fed up I get with it all again over the next couple of weeks.

I've also accumulated an every growing mending pile. I don't seem to be managing  to mend in may though!

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Me Made May Days 10 and 11

Yesterday was all about my pink linen blouse. I love this, and the matching infinity scarf. I just wish I'd given it a bit more seam allowance - I know now how much linen fray's!  Simplicity 8523 view A. I need to make another blouse in this style.

Today was cold and wet so it was the granny square cardigan and hand knit socks. By the afternoon school run it was boiling and the cardigan had been abandoned!

This afternoon and evening I've done some sewing. The sage green fabric I ordered arrived, so I altered the first skirt I made from a simplicity 2286 pattern - which I've never actually worn! I added a hemless bottom and pockets (from the original pattern) and I like it much better now.

I also sewed up the crop trousers which were one of the pile of unmade clothes I started with at the beginning of the month. They were already cut and just needed sewing. Apart from a moment when the bobbin had a paddy and fell apart, they were incredibly easy to make. The fabric was from Abakhan last year, from a vague pile labelled "trouser fabric" and is lovely and comfy.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Me Made May Day 9

A day for shopping and popping into school meant a day for another simplicity 2188 blouse (I use this pattern a lot!), this time in chambray polycotton. It was an absolute pain to sew - it's so thin I couldn't get the tension right at all - but it was lovely and cool for our hot day.

I've not quite got the spacing between the buttons quite right. Still debating a second attempt at those!

Me Made May Days 6-8

It was camp and I didn't want to wear any of my hand made clothes, so boot socks it was.

All very well, except by the Friday I'd only got 2 pairs. Pair 3 consisted of one finished sock and one I'd just picked up the stitches on ready to knit the gusset. Some frantic knitting friday evening while we waited for the cubs to fall asleep, and a bit during down time on Saturday meant that I finally had pair 3 for Sunday!

I finished the weekend with a second wear of Simplicity 2188 after I'd had a bath on Sunday afternoon. Perfect for a barbecue in the garden :)

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Me Made May Day 5

I spent most of yesterday creating this Simplicity 2188 skirt from some £3 metre flowery fabric from hobbycraft. I added my own hemless bottom (and learnt more about how to do that another time!) and patch pockets.

I needed something to be able to wear as part of my work wardrobe which consists of black, white and grey so it all mixes and  matches. I have loved wearing this skirt today - it was so comfortable!

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Me Made May Day 4

A multiple outfit sort of day!

Started with a simplicity 1080 tunic. This had such potential but it didn't turn out how I saw it in my head. Navy linen (fray's - yuk), first attempt at french seams (love them -need more practice), great practice at using bias binding to cover seams.

But it's just SO plain! I wasn't feeling the love for the pockets in the pattern so I left them off. I have since made an item with a different style of pocket which I love (more about that tomorrow! ) so I may add some different pockets shortly.

Changed for cubs - so wore my new boot socks.

Changed again when I got home into jeans, long sleeved tee and a favourite fat face cardigan. Added my hitchhiker scarf for the me made touch! (No photo of this outfit as I then went back out to a meeting! )

Managed to finish an item today - the big reveal is tomorrow!

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Me Made May Day 3

Hand knit socks again, and today a hand crocheted cardigan made from granny squares. It was a labour of love - a lot of squares, a lot of sewing together and a lot of ends to sew in! I've not worn it much because it didn't hang very well. I finally decided yesterday it needed a button at the top and added it this morning. What a difference!  It doesn't keep falling off any more and looking like a sack!

I looked out some fabric for crop trousers last night, and when I cut out the pattern there was a skirt pattern already cut. I needed elastic for the trousers so went to Dunelm but they didn't sell it on the roll. So hobbycraft it was... and some fabric for the skirt pattern joined the elastic!

Monday, 2 May 2016

Me Made May Day 2

Firstly, I discovered mend in may yesterday so I'm adding that to me made may as I count mended clothes as being me made!.

There are two pairs of jeans and a pair of linen trousers in the pile at the moment, all needing repairs in the same place - under the bottom!

My hand made clothes today are a crochet hoodie I designed myself. It is very comfortable and I really need to make another in a different colour!  I'm also wearing a pair of Regia Pairfect hand knitted socks.  There is another ball of this in a different colour way in the sock wool stash!

I spent the afternoon sewing (and swearing at the sewing machine - I couldn't get the tension right for love nor money today).  I made a blouse from the same simplicity 2188 pattern I used for yesterday's blouse. This one is blue chambray coloured polycotton. I originally bought the fabric for trousers but it ws too thin. I've added some mother of pearl flower buttons which I love - but they do show the pleats aren't quite even!!

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Me Made May Day 1

I wore a simplicity 2188 blouse today, fabric from Dunelm. This is one of my favourites and having worn theatre blacks all week it was nice to be in colour! However it's been freezing - so it's been hidden under a fleece all day!

I also managed to finish the first of the two pairs of boot socks I want to knit this month.